Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Did you Ever Wonder What you Eat?

Part of changing my diet has included researching the nutritional value of the food I eat. The goal was to boost my immune system, so I started to research what foods will give me the "biggest bang for my buck", so to speak.

Now, don't get me wrong. I still love eat junk food - particularly if it is made of chocolate. I still eat it, too. Which means I love sugar and fat. Who doesn't love fat?!?

So my love of fat lead me to add cheese to my salads. Then one day I was in the store and thought "hmmmm, I wonder if I can substitute avocado in for cheese?". For me, it was all about taste, and since most food tastes better with fat in it, what better way to add fat to my salad than to add a fatty vegetable like avocado? My little experiment worked, avocado is quite possibly one of natures most perfect foods!

Aside from appealing to the side of me that loves fat, I figured that since it is a natural vegetable it must have other redeeming qualities like vitamins and minerals and stuff. So after supper I Googled the nutritional properties of avocado. In my search for this, I found the NutritionData Website.

This is one of the most useful and easy to use sites on nutrition that I have ever seen. It is not just about nuts and seeds and berries, it will give you information on all types of foods - chocolate included! It gives the nutrient and fat content of whatever food you select, plus different charts and indices. The information is based on the USDA database; I suggest you read the information contained in the "About Us" link at the bottom so that you understand where the data comes from, and how valid it is.

After reading the information on site, I learned that the avocado is more than just a tasty vegetable! It has a lot of highly nutritious properties as well. Check it out and see for yourself!

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