Sunday, November 9, 2008

Very Busy Week

Its been a very busy week, so I haven't had time to blog. Last Saturday night I went out to an event with Lisa even though I really wanted to stay home to sleep. I called her at one point while I was in the middle of getting ready to go, and advised her of my revised plan to stay home. She responded with logical arguments like "you already bought the ticket" and "you're almost ready anyway, so just go!" So I did.

I spent the entire day sleeping on Sunday as I have been very drained of energy lately and cannot figure out why, although going out both Friday night and Saturday night last weekend did not help my situation. Unfortunately I did not get much cleaning done and had to do that on Monday night and Tuesday night since my Mom, Aunt, and cousin were coming down on Wednesday night to stay for a couple of days.

I had a great visit with my family. We spent the evenings playing a board game that my Mom loves. I took Thursday off and we went shopping and to dinner. My big purchase was a watch and a hat for running. My new watch is a Roots Pink Ribbon Campaign watch; 10% of the cost goes towards the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

My hat is practical, yet fun. I have trouble with my ears in the winter time when it is windy out - I get very painful ear aches for about an hour or so after I come in from the cold. So I bought one of those hats with flaps on it to keep my ears warm.

With the crazy busy week I have had, I did not get a chance to run but really have to get back into training for the road race. I realized that there are only 52 days left to train which works out to 7 weeks remaining. Taunya gave me the training schedule and right now I am about to start week 4 (given my setbacks of recent weeks) and there are 17 weeks total of training. Although I will not be able to complete the whole training program by the time my 5K comes along, I believe that I will have built up enough endurance that I can at least try. Plus, since it is my first run I figure there is no shame in me walking parts of it if I have to. My goal this time around is just to cross the finish line so that I have bragging rights to say I did it. My other goal is to develop the habit of going out every other day and getting some exercise.

So, armed with the knowledge that 7 weeks is going to pass very very quickly, I must end this post and get back at my training. Wish me luck, and send me some energy while you are at it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I gave you the extended training program. The real training program is only 10 weeks long. You're at week 4 with 7 weeks of time left -- perfect timing! I'm so excited for you! Whoot!!