Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Horoscopes are Best Read at the Beginning of the Day

I was away most of last week and didn't have time for an update. For those of you who still check in on my blog to see what I am up to - thanks for your patience.

Now that I am back from my days off, things have been very busy at work. Today was insanely busy - I barely had time to forage in the Eaton Centre food court for my lunch. The only good thing is that at the end of the day I have been leaving with the satisfaction of getting a lot accomplished despite the fact that one of my support items just doesn't seem to be resolving itself.

Tonight while I was waiting for my supper to be ready I read my horoscope thinking it would make some kind of prediction of me being busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. This is what it said:

Your creativity is itching for a new way to express itself, and you might just find that new way in the kitchen! Cooking is a wonderful blend of order (measuring, temperatures) and chaos (a little bit of this, a little bit of that), and it lets you really express yourself. Plus, it gives you a great opportunity to do something nice for someone you care about -- feed them delicious food! So start going through some of your favorite recipes -- you've got a good dinner to prepare!

Today's creativity consisted of choosing between a can of soup and a frozen pizza.

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