Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Family Day!

Although this is the second year that we have had a statutory holiday in the middle of February, I am still not used to having it. My long weekend plans should have included a visit to my blood family, but instead I spent it with members of my urban family. I would like to say that I at least spent most of the day thinking about my family, but the reality is that I spent most of the day sleeping. So in an effort to assuage my guilty feelings about not celebrating my family, I will write a bit about them.

This started out as one big blog entry, but it turns out that my family is larger than I thought and the entry was getting too long. I am going to divide this up into a few sections - The Grandparents, The Parents, The Siblings, The Ones Who Call me Cool Aunt, and if time permits, the extended family.

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