Saturday, April 25, 2009

This week was a pretty busy week for me. Went to the doctor on Monday for my annual checkup. Overall I am healthy, but I did mention to her that I was having troubles with not having any energy. She had planned on vampiring some blood from me, so she added in a vitamin D test, and it turns out I am deficient. I have to take supplements to compensate, but with a fabulous day out like today, I figure sitting in the yard will do me just as well.

For the first time ever in my blood test history, the girl could not find a vein. During her frustrated search she looked at me and said "next time would you please drink a bunch of water?" I wanted to respond "ok, but after this is over would you please use a real bandaid instead of cotton gauze and cheap tape that is guaranteed to rip holes in my arm?" Almost a week has passed and I still have the marks from the tape. In fact, when I get a blood test I am more scared of the tape than I am of the needle!

The other highlight of the week took place on Thursday - I became a new parent to Sylvester the cat. Having a cat is going to take some getting used to, like the added responsibility of having to look after someone other than myself, changing litter, sweeping up fur, etc etc. But I think it will be a rewarding experience once I figure out where the cat went.

I brought him home on Thursday night, and figured the basement would be the best place for him, since I can put his litter and food in the bathroom, and there is a big room for him to hang out in and look out the patio door. I got up Friday morning to check on him, and he was pretty traumatized. I picked him up and took him over to the patio door thinking he might find the birds in the back yard very interesting. The poor guy shook in my arms. I would have liked to have spent more time with him, but in order to afford the cat (and my house) I had to go to work to earn my keep.

I got home Friday evening and checked on him, he was still pretty scared. I got a couple of blankets and a pillow and spent part of the night with him. I offered him some tuna, and we actually bonded despite the fact he didn't eat the tuna. At one point he sat on top of a box in the corner, so I went upstairs to do something, when I got back downstairs I could not locate him. Turns out the top of the box collapsed inward, and he had fallen inside. The box contained scented candles, so when I rescued him I noticed he smelled very perfumy!

As I layed on the floor, his confidence grew and he started to explore the room. He was very interested in the crack under neath the door to upstairs. As I napped on the floor, he also became interested in the patio door. The sound of the blinds rustling was driving me nuts, so I went upstairs around 2 AM and slept in my own bed.

I decided that today I would introduce him to the rest of the house while I was home for the day. I got downstairs, and Sylvester had managed to open the basement door. Apparently my timeline for introducing him to the rest of the house was too slow for him!

I did not think my house was that big, but I have searched under every piece of furniture and inside every closet, and Sylvester is nowhere to be found. I checked the front door, and the deadbolt was still on, so at least I know he did not go outside. The patio door still had the security bar on it, too, so he has to be in there somewhere.

The only place I have not checked is under the basement stairs. I think he sensed my fear of spiders, and I figure there are a tonne of spiders living under there so he may have taken up shop there.

I hope he is okay. Like most cats, he is very nocturnal so I will just have to wait until tonight and see if I can hear the telltale jingling of his tags on his collar. At least he knows where the litter box is, and has used it, so I don't have to worry about any surprises.

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