Sunday, November 16, 2008

Another Week Choc Full of Activity

I have Seasonal Affective Disorder. It sounds scary, so I just call it "that lack of light disease" and it doesn't sound quite so bad. To combat it, I have resumed taking my multi-vitamin and am trying to find more foods that contain or are fortified with vitamin D. Fish is a good source of it, so I made a big pot of seafood chowder this week. It helped my energy levels a bit, but after a week of eating it I am pretty much chowdered out.

I can't totally blame my lack of energy on lack of light. I am a very social person, and spent the week hooking up with various groups of friends. I am also booked well into December with all kinds of stuff to do. For someone who is trying to slow down, I am not doing a very good job of it. I am very thankful, though, that I have the social network that I do.

This week's social events included a birthday celebration and a laying off party all mixed into one. The company that I used to work for just went through a mass layoff and a couple of my friends were given packages. When I met them at the party I asked "should I say congratulations, or sympathies?" They are both quite happy and confirmed that "congratulations" was the appropriate comment. I didn't find it too surprising, considering that I made my own successful escape from the clutches of that evil place just over a year ago.

One thing that surprised me at the party was the number of people who are following my running progress. A lot of us are on Facebook together, and I regularly throw up the status of my runs/progress/lack thereof. Fitness is not something I am generally known for, and I found it encouraging just how many people asked me about it. I am even more committed to doing the run now since so many people know about it and are cheering me on. Its amazing what the power of a group of people can do to lift one of its members.

If I had to pick one moment this week as my high point, though, it would be yesterday's trip to the Royal Winter Fair. Every year I have vowed to go to the Royal Winter Fair but for some reason or another I never have gone. This year was extra special because my niece Kayla was competing in the TD Canada Trust Junior Sheep Show. It was her first time competing in a contest of this magnitude, and I must say that she totally rocked!! There were between 20 and 25 entries in the showmanship contest, and she placed 5th. I had tears of pride welling up in my face as I watched her leading Cindy the Sheep around the arena.

After the competition was over, I made her stand in the pen with her ribbon and Cindy. A complete stranger was walking by the pen and stopped to congratulate Kayla on her placing. To me, it would not matter if she placed first or last, the real accomplishment is the fact that she got up in front of an arena full of people and did her best.

Way to go Kayla! I am very proud of you and I love you honey!


Anonymous said...

Hi Lori,

Something I find very helpful is taking fish oil pills daily(just make sure they are the pharmaceutical grade).

Congratulations to your niece Kayla and Cindy - that is quite an accomplishment!


Lori said...

Thanks for the tip! I'll check out the fish oil pills tomorrow. Thanks also for cheering my niece on! I will pass your congrats on to her.