Saturday, April 18, 2009

I'm in my 40's and it Could Not be Any More Fabulous!

For the past couple of months I had a counter up on the site to count down the remaining days of being in my 30's. For years I had watched people get bummed out about turning 40, and really I can't understand why! I look at where I am now compared to where I have been, and things could not be any more fabulous for me. I have a great job, a great house, and a great group of friends. I travel the world as much as I can, and when I can't I am out and about seeing what I can get into. It took 4 decades to do it, but I finally found my happy place.

When I put the counter up on the site, my intention was to write 10 posts to summarize each year I was in my 30's. Although my intentions were good, the reality was that I was only going to turn 40 once and I better make it memorable. Enter the planning and execution of the most spectacular birthday week ever!

The planning all started early in the year with me conceptualizing what I should do. I was on the fence - travel somewhere, have a small intimate dinner with close friends, or have a larger scale party with all my close friends. One night I went for drinks with my friend Kevin, and I was talking about my dilemma. He asked what my 30th was like, and I told him it was very uneventful since I had just moved to Toronto. He asked what my 35th was like, and I told him it wasn't bad, but there were some issues surrounding it. Kevin analysed my responses and said "Well you MUST give yourself a great big party!"

So the decision was made, and the party was born. And then it took on a life of its own!

First choice - where to have it. I thought about the Maddy, but a few of my friends don't like the Maddy. Then I thought about The Charlotte Room, but it was a bit out of the way. Then Paul offered up his condo, and Paul & Lisa offered up their party planning skills and I decided ultimately to have it there. Next choice - party room vs Paul's actual condo. The party room required a liquor license, which I felt was a wasted expense considering we could have bevies just as well in Paul's condo. With that dilemma solved, I had to move onto the food.

My intentions were just finger foods, but the party was starting at 7:00 and Lisa felt that people may be expecting a smorgasborg. Well, if a smorgasborg was what they were expecting, a smorgasborg is what they got! A trip to Costco, a few trips to the grocery store, and a trip to the market later I had a feast that could have fed an army!

Out of approximately 60 invitees, more than 20 people showed up to celebrate what I dubbed "My Last Weekend in my 30's". It was a fascinating cross-section of people - co-workers past, co-workers present, girls from my kayak class, and a number of other friends that I have just met along the way. I was amazed at how well everyone interacted with each other, and there wasn't a dull moment to be had. But perhaps the thing that struck me the most was that out of all the people in the room, there was not a single person who was there that knew me in my 20's and yet so many people had taken the time to come out to honour my milestone.

Paul made an awesome speech, during the speech he made reference to me being Grace, and him being Will. After all, he is the fashionable yet sensible gay man, and I am the tall skinny neurotic woman that he just can't seem to get rid of.

I had been warned earlier in the day that I would be making a speech. I was not sure what to say. Do I get reflective about my 30's? Do I speculate about what is yet to come? After much deliberation, I decided that the following summed up my feelings at that exact moment:

My father once told me that I would do well in life if I could have just one good friend. If that is the case, then as I look around I must be the richest woman in the world! Thank you for coming out to honour me, I love you all.

I figured the party would wind down around 11:30 or midnight, but the last guests did not leave until about 4:00 AM. I sat with a glass of wine out on Paul's balcony and reflected on the evening, retired to the yoga mat, and woke up with a nasty headache. The party was a success!

For those who could not make it to my last weekend in my 30's, a spillover party was held on my actual birthday. Rose, John, Rose's daughter, Paul and I celebrated at a couple of different Irish pubs. John was sensible and went home at a respectible hour, while the rest of us went up to the village. My birthday was so important that even Cher showed up to wish me well! Ok, this Cher is actually a drag queen, but the impressive part was that she does not normally like people to get their picture taken with her, but since it was my 40th birthday she humoured me and allowed the photo. Close to 11:00 I got tired, and decided to retire early since I had to work the next day. Plus I had to pack my bags and head to my hometown for birthday party number three.

Party number three was my family bash. My Mom did a fabulous job, and it was great to have my immediately family plus a couple of cousins I had not seen in a while around me. We had good food, good laughs, and it was an experience I will cherish for a lifetime.

I made it back to the city and birthday week drew to a close. I was happy because by this time I was all partied out, and wanted to resume my normal life. At least, as normal as my life can be!

1 comment:

Scott said...

Hey Lori, it's great to hear that you have found your happy place.

We should get together for a drink sometime, it's been a while!