Sunday, May 10, 2009

Salsa, Sylvester, Slumber (or lack thereof)

Last Saturday I left off where I was going to hang out with the kayak girls for the evening. My intentions were good, I was going to go for a couple of hours then head home around 11:30 or so. It would have worked out, had it not been for some guy from the Isle of Man showing up and wooing me with his salsa dancing prowess. I'm not sure how salsa dancing and a Celtic island go together, but it was the first time in a very long time that I had danced with someone so I did not question it. At least he did not try to woo me with clogging or some other crazy type of Celtic jig - that would have just freaked me out. His friend made him leave fairly early, but I was having far too much fun to call it a night.

The kayak girls and I wound up going to a friend of a friend's place to shoot some pool and by the time we got in it was about 5:00 AM. I had no choice but to sleep the whole day away. It was a stark reminder of why I wanted to leave early, but I have absolutely no regrets about taking the opportunity to go blow off some steam.

The cat has settled in some more. I think he has succumbed to the fact that he is lonely and I am the onely other being from whom he can get any sort of affection. He does not mind when I pet him and enjoys being carried up the stairs out of the basement. After a few days straight of forcing him out of the basement, he has realised that he has full reign of the entire house.

It was my original goal to ensure he was comfortable enough to roam throughout the house. But now I am kind of questioning it. Last night I had settled in for an evening of old All in the Family re-runs that were showing on the free preview of the Deja View channel. I drifted off into a peaceful slumber listening to Archie yell at whoever dared to speak to him.

Around 2:00 AM I awoke to a sound that had me convinced my roof was falling in. As I lay on the couch I thought "should I go check that out, or should I stay down here in the relative safety of my blankie?" As I was laying there, I heard the noise again. I ran up the stairs and into my den only to find my office chair was pulled away from the desk, and the afghan that I leave on my office chair was laying on the floor. There could only be one explanation for that - Sylvester!

I looked under my bed, and Sylvester shot me a look back as if to say "WHAT?". Then he ran back to the basement. I'm still not sure what he was doing with the office chair, but I hope he will not be doing multiple repeat performances of this action at 2:00 AM every night.

Yesterday was the start of 11 work-free days. I have been looking forward to this much needed rest for a while. It feels weird knowing that I don't have to get out of bed tomorrow at the crack of dawn and it feels even weirder to not have a blackberry attached to my hip.

That being said, I hope to get a bunch of stuff done around the house that has been nagging me, including shopping for my bathroom and repairing the toilet upstairs. But it is more likely that I will loaf around in my back yard for most of the week.

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