Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Three Days in and I am Finally Ready to Leave my House

I logged into Facebook while enjoying my morning coffee, and noticed that my friend Scott has put up the link to his blogsite. I was quite happy about it, since I had lost the link to his site. He's got a pretty cool theme about trying to change his lifestyle one scary thing at a time. I really enjoyed the post where he talks about making better use of Monday to Friday instead of just wishing the days away for the weekend. I'm looking forward to watching his progress, and it has given me something to think about, too.

I've spent the bulk of the last three days loafing and sleeping and have not really done a whole lot. Managed to go to the grocery store on Sunday and cooked a fabulous salmon dinner. I also went through the papers and requirements to apply for my Irish citizenship, just in case I ever want to work overseas.

I must thank my brother for going through the process first, since he lined up a lot of the documents that are required, like Grandma's birth certificate and stuff. I was looking at my grandparents' marriage certificate and learned that they were married in Woodstock, which I had no idea. As I looked at the document it felt like I was holding a little piece of history. Its pretty cool what you can learn from looking at one piece of paper. It kinda blew me away, particularly when I realised that I would not be here today had this event not taken place.

Today I am finally going to leave my house and go shopping for things to renovate the bathroom. I am bracing myself for dropping big wads of cash all over town, but in the end it will be worth it. I have hated the bathroom ever since I moved in here but just could not decide what to do with it. I am slowly getting a clear picture of what I want and now it is just a matter of finding it.

I don't think I will find everything today, so I have two shopping days scheduled for reno shopping. Thursday I am going downtown to catch the new Star Trek flik with my co-workers. After I see that, I will start counting down the days until the new Terminator movie comes out on May 21. I can't wait to see that one too!

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