Thursday, August 14, 2008

Some Final Thoughts Before I Leave

Tomorrow is the big day! Part of me can't believe it has finally arrived. But the part of me that controls my appetite and ability to sleep believes it in full force! In my true travel fashion my body has chosen insomnia over appetite. I know I should eat, but I am not hungry and I know I should sleep but I have not packed since I still have laundry to do. Perhaps my lack of sleep tonight will enable me to sleep on the plane, but I doubt it.

I'm not the greatest plane passenger in the world. I merely tolerate it as a means to an end. Let's face it, flying to Beijing is a whole lot easier than swimming! And I am less likely to get eaten by a shark in the air. I'm just glad we aren't flying over the Andes, and I am fairly certain that Alive will not be the feature film on the way over.

All that aside, I am looking forward to China with a great deal of anticipation. So many of my friends and family have been very supportive along the way, and I thank them as well. One day I walked into my cubicle and there was a post-it note flashcard stuck to my desk with Chinese on the front and English on the back. I knew immediately it was from Chunling. She made special little signs that say things like "Take me to my hotel" and "How much?" just in case I get stuck.

It is getting very late, and I am getting quite sleepy now. By the time you read this post I will either be wandering aimlessly around Pearson airport with Paul, going through security, or flying high in the sky. My next post will be from the opposite side of the world in a land far far away. I can't wait to tell you all about it!

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