Saturday, August 2, 2008

Busy Week

Things have really come together for the trip now. Sunday I met Paul at the Eaton Centre and we went to Black's to get passport photos taken for the Visa applications. I learned something important that day - do not wear a white shirt. Unfortunately I learned that after I got there only to discover the white shirt I was wearing was blending into the white backdrop they use for passport photos. As the girl was about to snap my photo she said "You look like a floating head" followed by a flurry of activity whereby she scrambled to find a black lab coat for me to wear. I thought the floating head would look better than the lab coat I wound up sporting in the photo, but since she was the passport photo expert I trusted her judgement. At least the Black's logo was not visible in the picture.

Up until now most of the trip preparations had centred around completing tasks like getting accommodations, getting a plane ticket, etc etc. I decided I wanted to do something enjoyable, so I went to The Bay and picked up an official Team Canada Olympic Shirt (pictured on the left). I would have loved to have picked up an official shirt for each of the 4 events that I am going to, but decided for 3 of the events I would settle for wearing some inexpensive red shirts, or some inexpensive shirts that just say Canada on them and save this one for the most special event that we are going to be attending.

Paul and I then wandered around some of the dollar stores downtown looking for temporary tattoes of maple leaves and Canadian flags. I figured that temporary tattoes of Canadian symbols would be fairly easy to come by, what with Canada Day having been a short time ago. Apparently not! If anyone is reading this post and knows exactly where I can find them in the GTA, then please let me know. There are still a large number of dollar stores along Yonge Street that I have not been to yet, so I will resume my search next week during my lunch breaks.

In order to apply for the Chinese Visa, I had to list on the application each of the regions and cities I would be visiting while staying there. So Paul and I poured over the travel books to strike our final itinerary. So many things to see in China and so little time! Of course we will be going to the Great Wall - that's pretty much a given for anyone going there. In the end we have picked a number of interesting temples and historic sites to see.

On Monday I made my way up to the Chinese Consulate on St. George Street to submit the Visa application. The whole process was very efficient - it actually took me longer to take the subway from work to the Consulate than it did to stand in line and submit the application. Thursday I made my way back to the Consulate to pick up the Visa. Yet again my co-workers had to endure me skipping around the office and forcing them to look at my Visa. They really are a tolerant bunch. I now have everything I need to go to China!

Today I took my final dose of Dukoral. I learned something last week - the smaller the glass I use, the less carbonated raspberry suspension I have to drink! Its really not the most enjoyable flavour in the world.

For the next week or so I will be reading up on each of the sites we have picked so that I can have a good solid background in what I will be visiting before I get there. I also have to double check what I am allowed to bring on the plane, and what I am allowed to bring with me to China. It doesn't sound like much is left to do, but there is less than two weeks left until I leave, and next weekend I will be visiting my family before I go.

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