Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Was Not Built For This Climate

I look like my Mom, who looks like her Dad, whose father was from somewhere in France. Mom never cared to ask where in France her ancestors were from. Based on my intolerance for cold weather, I am guessing that it was somewhere in the deep south of France like Cannes or Marseille where the temperature rarely goes below freezing.

So it is around this time of year when the weather turns crappy, rainy, and cold that I avoid going outside at all costs. Unfortunately the building where I work is not connected to the underground downtown so I do have to go outside once in a while. Tonight I had to endure the bitter autumn damp chill while walking the 2 requisite blocks to the underground entrance. Those 2 blocks felt more like 2 million miles. As I was walking down the street, I was thinking that I should run tonight but it is cold outside. Then I came to a sudden realization:

I agreed to run in a 5K road race on January 1. If I think today is going to be cold, THAT day is going to be a KILLER! Am I CRAZY?

But alas, try as I might to convince myself to go out and run, it was easier to stay inside with a cup of tea and my triple weave blankie wrapped around my shoulders for warmth. I thought to myself "Oh, tomorrow should be warmer. Meh, who's going to notice anyway."

To ensure I was not spotted by The Evil Motivator, I purposely stayed off of MSN Messenger. My evil plan would have worked had it not been for those stupid kids... er... that stupid Facebook application. As I was casually checking up on what my friends have done over the last couple days, a chat window appeared:

Taunya (AKA The Evil Motivator): How was your run?

DAMMIT! BUSTED! Ok, lie to her or tell the truth. Oh. Yeah. She knows my aversion to cold, so she already knows that I did not go out running. She also knows I am the worst liar in the world. Plus I am not hurting her by not running or by lying to her about not running... I am only hurting myself.

Me: I'm a big chicken. It was cold. My train was late. I know, there is no excuse. But I AM trying
Taunya: wah wah wah. It's 20 freakin' minutes.
Me: I know, I know. But it was kinda rainy too
Taunya: Then you're running at lunch tomorrow?
Me: Not in a suit but after work I will
Taunya: Take alternate clothes. (remember, I broke my leg Feb 28th. Was verrrrry cold.)
Me: lunch is very difficult. what the heck do people wear in the cold to run anyway?
Taunya: Essentially, just more clothes, gloves, and ear protection.
Me: ok. Must remember to get those. On a happy note, I have put my watch in my purse to buy a battery for it
Taunya: I wear tights under wind pants, a wind breaker over a sweat shirt, those mini-gloves and ear muffs.
Me: mini gloves?
Taunya: you know those 99 cent ones that stretch out?
Me: ooooooh. Ok. dollar store gloves.
Taunya: ya
Me: I could buy a pair of those and a watch at the same time if I wanted. I mean, yes of course I am buying both
Taunya: lmao! exactly!
Me: hey, shouldn't you be catching up on your clinical paperwork now that you are done your patho? or are you using me as your procrastination tool?
Taunya: smartie pants. Shouldn't you be running now that it's quit raining?
Me: I just ate. I would get a cramp in a puddle so I have to wait at least half an hour before going into the water. You are correct, I should have run tonight otherwise Jan 1 will really really hurt and it will be much colder that day than it is today so I know I have to train for it.
Taunya: good girl!
Me: tomorrow for sure I will run. I did run on Sunday and all last week.
Taunya: Good girl! uh oh. My uncle just caught me on facebook ... NOT catching up on clinical ... I best log off

At that I was recued from The Evil Motivator by HER OWN Evil Motivator! I just hope that tomorrow is warmer and drier, as I am pretty much committed to having to go for a run now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So how was your run tonight, Lori? Huh? Huh?
(Your Evil Motivator)