Friday, October 10, 2008

Turkey and all the Fixens

Not much has been happening over the last couple of days, so I really haven't had a whole lot to say. Tuesday night I slept a lot, beings that I was so tired from running, and Wednesday I had to work late.

Tonight I managed to get out for a SECOND run. I managed to go out and do it without complaining, trying to get out of it, or even having to have been threatened by The Evil Motivator!

Its a good thing I am running, since it's that time of year that we stop and give thanks then stuff ourselves silly like gluttenous pigs. I certainly cannot complain though - I'm always game for a good gluttenous stuffing! Plus I have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving:
- a roof over my head
- food in my stomach
- lots of people around me who love me
- a great job
- numerous fantastic experiences this year including the trip to Beijing, hanging out at Paul's, hanging out at Peter's, summertime patio fun, summer festivals, Caribana and all the pre-Caribana parties, and my last birthday in my 30's

Hopefully you will take a moment to take stock of all the good things you have. Feel free to put down one, two or your whole list in the comments section!

I'm off to visit my Mom and my brothers this weekend and will be partaking in a fabulous dinner with turkey and all the fixens. I am hoping Mom makes her famous Jell-O salad! It just would not be Thanksgiving with out it, and there is Always Room for Jell-O!

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