Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thanksgiving Recap

Well I headed off to the country for a few days of rest and relaxation as part of my Thanksgiving weekend. Saturday I went for a run and pretty much lazed around. Played some dominoes with my nephews Johnathan and Daniel, followed by a cut-throat game of Yahtzee with Mom. The rest of the evening was spent dozing on the couch.

Sunday I wound up in a little town called Brigden to see my niece Kayla show the sheep that she raised at the Brigden Fair. The sheep's name is Cindy. Cindy has a mind of her own, and is quite the little diva sheep. Cindy escaped from Kayla a few times during the competition, but Kayla did a great job of getting her back under control. I was very impressed.

After the whirlwind tour to see Kayla and Cindy, I made it back to my brother's place for some turkey and fixens. Unfortunately, there was no jell-o salad. Mom was sick and could not make it, and she did not have the patience to tell me how to do it. Better luck to me at Christmas. But there was trifle, and lots of other things to eat.

I noticed that school charity fundraising coincides directly with Thanksgiving weekend. I wound up ordering a box of teriyaki chicken breasts and a box of popcorn from two of my nephews. It felt good to support their fundraising efforts, though, and I am sure I can put the popcorn and chicken to good use.

Made it back to the big dirty smelly city early yesterday morning. Loafed around the couch all day, got ready and went for my first run of training week number 2, and then loafed around on the couch again.

Today I engaged in the ultimate social responsibility in a democratic society. I did my part and voted in the election. To be quite honest with you, I did not know who to vote for. I really only voted so that I have the right to complain until the next election. It saddened me that I was voting for the person I hated the least.

Well that's pretty much it for what I have been up to the last few days. I am looking forward to tomorrow since I get my first annual review at my current job, plus I get to go for a run tomorrow evening again. I am pleasantly surprised that I actually like the nights I run better than the nights I rest. Hopefully it stays this way, and if it does, I should fare very well at the 5K on New Year's Day. Only 78 days, 3 hours, and 11 minutes left to train!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the countdown, Lor. Too great!

You've been there a YEAR? Holy hannah.