Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Worst Lunch Break Ever

This past Friday morning I spent the morning learning particulars about batch processes on one of the systems I work with, followed by trying to fix some data on it. After a hefty morning of training me, Balram suggested that we grab some curried chicken and roti. I rummaged through my wallet and realised that I had to stop at the bank machine on the way. I popped the card in, punched in some numbers and waited for my cash to appear. I wasn't really paying that much attention to the screen since it usually says "Please take your cash". Friday, however, was different. I looked, thought "no that cannot be right", then I read the message again:

The security on your card has been violated. Your limit has been reduced. blahblahblahblah.......

Ok, we all know the bank machine really did not say blahblahblahblah. Its just that I saw "security...violated....limit....reduced" and stopped reading after that. It could have said "but that's okay cause Ed McMahon is standing behind you ready to give you a big fat cheque" and I really wouldn't have noticed. All I could think of was:
1. All my money has been stolen.
2. My identity is about to be stolen.
3. I have no lunch money. Of course, at that point I also had no appetite, so I wasn't too concerned about lunch.

I turned around, looked at Balram, told him my dilemma and said "I can't make lunch, I have to sort all this out now." He wandered off to the curried chicken place without me and I ran up the escalator to see what I was up against.

A very kind lady behind the desk helped me out. My money was all intact, hopefully my identity is too, and while I was there I asked her to give me some lunch money out of my account. I was sorely disappointed that I was not able to go get the curried chicken, so I had to find somewhere else to go for lunch.

I decided to go to a deli located in the food court of the building that I was in. This particular deli advertises a special where you can get a half a corned beef sandwich and a small salad for a very nice price. So I happily ordered this. The man made my sandwich, and I went to the cash register. This is the conversation that ensued:
deli dude: "What are you having"
me: "I am having the half corned beef and salad special"
deli dude: "what kind of salad"
me: "the Mediterranean salad"
dd: that's not part of the deal. (he starts to ring it in separately)
me: "what do you mean its not part of the deal? I was not informed of this."
dd with a huge attitude: "If you HAVE a problem with this, YOU can call head office."
me: "I do not wish to have the salad anymore."
dd yelling: "Hey, she's not getting the salad anymore. Don't bother with it."
me: "Just for future reference, when the customer places the order for the sandwich and salad deal, then orders the salad, you should tell them at the outset that this particular salad is not part of the deal so that the customer can choose either another salad or choose not to partake in the deal."
dd with an even huger attitude: "I SAID, if YOU HAVE a PROBLEM with this, YOU can call HEAD OFFICE"
me: "No, I would like to speak with your manager."
dd: "I'll get you the phone number to head office."
me: "No, I wish to speak with your manager now."

At this point he walks off in a huff, beats on the door at the back of the deli and then says to me "Wait over there."

So after waiting a couple minutes the manager comes out and the conversation with her went something like this:
manager: "What do you want?"
me: "I ordered the half corned beef sandwich with a small salad. At the time of ordering I was not told that the Mediterranean Salad was not eligible for the offer. I suggested to your cashier that when people first start to place their order, they should explicitly be told which salads are available for selection. When I made the suggestion I got a severe amount of attitude back from your cashier."
manager: "Well, look at the picture. It has lettuce in it, not peppers."
me: "I'm sorry, I am not an expert in hieroglyphics. Just so you know, you have lost me as a customer and I will be telling all my friends about my experience here. You have lost them as customers too."
manager with shocked look on her face: "Would you like the salad?"
me: "no. I just want to go to a place with good service."

I put my sandwich in my purse, made my way back to my desk, and proceeded to eat the sandwich. It tasted like crap and gave me heartburn to boot. I really must start bringing my lunch to work now. I think that will be my next goal to conquer.

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