Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Verdict

For the most part, tonight was a repeat of last night. I was feeling kind of bummed after work and didn't feel like running. Plus it was cold outside. I really wanted to stay in where it was warm and wallow in self pity.

In an effort to try to convince myself to go out for a run, I thought to myself "What would Taunya do if she were in this situation?" then I realized if she were in this exact situation she would be kicking my butt out the door to go for the run.

So as I changed out of my work clothes, I put on my running gear and headed out the door. I whined to myself about the cold for the first few minutes. I got across the street, started to run, and something magical happened. I warmed up. Plus I managed to complete the run. On top of that, because I still haven't got a working watch I had to count my steps again. I was concentrating on that so much that I stopped wallowing in self pity and felt much better at the end of the run.

The moral of the story: find a good YEM (Your Evil Motivator). And there's nothing like exercise to help you clear your head.

But January 1 still is going to be really freakin cold.


Anonymous said...

Congrats! And yes, that is EXACTLY what yem would be doing.

So now, next time you don't want to run, remind yourself that you ran one night when you really didn't want to run (and if at all possible, remind yourself how good that accomplishment felt). This means that you can do it! you can be your own evil motivator.

Rest assured, though, yem is always just an email away. :-)

Anonymous said...

...awaiting an update from your most recent run...
