Sunday, September 14, 2008

Finding Balance in an Imbalanced World

At the beginning of the year I attended a staff meeting where we were asked to put down our New Year's resolution on a piece of paper and pass it to the front of the room. I hate New Year's Eve and everything to do with it, so I was at a loss for what to write since I never make resolutions. I mulled it over for a while and wrote down the same resolution I have been using for about 20 years which is "I'm going to wing it and see what happens." It is my basic philosophy of life.

As they read out the various resolutions, one resolution that came up a few times was "Find work-life balance". I had never encountered such a term before. At first I saw it as just some slogan that someone has thrown out there. But the term stuck with me and ever since I heard it I have been thinking more and more about it.

I am a woman of extremes. When I am at work I work hard. When I am at play I play hard. I live life to the fullest because I have watched too many people die. I learned at a very young age that we don't have much time here, so you better make every second count.

Lately, though, I have finally started to feel my age. This week my doctor told me I should slow down. I should eat right, sleep well, and take care of myself. That's a lot to ask of someone like me.

As I sit and ponder what I must do, I keep thinking back to the night at Houhai Lake. If there was one thing I wanted to bring back with me to Canada it was the spirit for living that the people there had. The way they joined without asking or being asked. The amount of fun they had without being crazy. The fact that the entire night seemed to be an impromptu unfolding of events.

So I must find balance. Can life still be an adventure without being crazy? And how do I find balance in my imbalanced world?

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