Saturday, September 27, 2008

These are the People in Your Neighbourhood

People are a never ending source of fascination for me and there is no better place to watch people than downtown Toronto. A random sampling of my downtown experiences have included being insulted by a prostitute, and having a homeless man kick litter at me. Just when I think I have seen it all, something new crops up.

Wednesday night when I was on my way to Paul's, I stopped off at the store in Union Station to pick up my requisite bottle of tonic water. I walked out of the store, turned the corner, and right in front of me there were three Amish people. Don't get me wrong, its not that I don't like Amish people, I actually admire their sense of resolve and commitment to their chosen lifestyle. But at the same time, I don't understand how someone could go out into the field and cut wheat by hand with a scythe when it could be done with a combine in a fraction of the time. I just find it all rather confusing.

So as I looked at the women in their bonets and simple dresses, I had no choice but to call Paul.
me: "Paul, there's Amish people in Union Station leaning against a post eating ice cream."
Paul: "So?"
me: "What are they DOING here?"
Paul: "You just said they are eating ice cream."
me: "But why are they here?"
Paul: "I don't know. Why don't you ask them. Try handing them your phone and see what they do."

At that point I realised how ridiculous I was being, and ended the conversation. As I made my way over to Paul's I passed by four or five ticket scalpers outside of the ACC, and balance was restored to my life.

Thursday afternoon I needed a cup of tea, so I made my way down to T-Ho's. Lisa spotted me from across the street and came over to say hello. We were standing in line chatting when all of a sudden Lisa exclaimed "OMG, look across the street, is that what I THINK it is?!?"

I looked over, and a woman was walking North up the street. Normally that wouldn't be much cause for concern, except that she had no shirt on, and had a belt strapped across her chest to hide her nipples. I blinked a few times, looked at Lisa and said "OMG" followed by a joking "Lisa, why do you always do this to me?"

A guy was in line behind us and joined the conversation.
man: "What are you looking at?"
Lisa: "There was a semi-naked woman walking up the street with a belt strapped across her chest"
man: "She must not have been very good looking or I would have noticed."
Lisa: "No she was not"
man: "I'm sorry I missed it though."
me: "Well, let me put it to you this way. I actually wish I could take the memory of it out of my head and give it to you to keep there instead."
man: "In that case, I guess I am not sorry I missed it."
me: "Yeah, don't be."

As I continued to wait in line, I remembered the Amish people from Union Station. As much as they confuse me, I really did wish that it was them walking up the street instead.

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