Monday, September 1, 2008

Home again.

We made it back safe and sound yesterday, although one of Paul's suitcases seems to have taken a detour. There were a couple of scary moments like when the taxi driver accidentally went into the wrong lane of traffic and we were driving into three lanes of oncoming traffic. Luckily we managed to escape that situation in one piece. In order to keep myself from panicking, I looked up the Chinese word for CRAZY, and that kept me preoccupied for a while.

By the time I got on the plane to come home, I was nursing a very painful sinus headache. The plane took off, and not long into the flight we hit some pretty bad turbulence. Once things settled down, my headache had started to subside and I spent the remainder of the flight sleeping.

This is by no means the end of the stories of the vacation though. We saw and did so many things, and there were times where I did not have the energy or the time to post some stories. The extra stories will have to wait until I get my photos from Paul's computer.

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