Yesterday I told you about the new chat toy that is installed on my computer at work. Today I was sitting and working very very hard, and the following message from Paul popped up on my screen:
I was in the bathroom playing with my phone. All of a sudden the radio on my phone started playing music really really loudly. I could not shut it off! Thank goodness I was in a stall so that no one knew who it was. I was so embarrassed.
To which I responded: BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
All I could picture was someone walking down a silent hall, getting close to the bathroom, and hearing music starting to blare from within. I further pictured the person stop, give the door a rumple faced look, and then walk away in mass confusion.
I furthered the conversation by responding: What song was playing?
Paul responded with: I don't know.
We then made up the following list of the funniest songs that could have played:
1. Please Release me let me go.
2. One More Try.
3. I'll be Watching You.
4. Bridge Over Troubled Waters.
5. Plop Plop Fizz Fizz Oh What a Relief it is!
After that song was listed, we just couldn't think of one to top it.
Burnin' Ring of Fire
Never thought of that one, but that's fantastic!!!
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