Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Today I logged into my computer at work, and somehow the administrators in the background had decided to push a special chat program to everyone's workstation in the area. Robert and I decided it would be a fun little toy to see if we could get working. After about 1 minute of superficial chatting I said to him "you sit right next to me. So how is this better than me yelling over the cubicle wall at you?"

As much as I embrace technology, sometimes I can't figure out how certain things are supposed to enhance my life. Tomorrow I plan on yelling over the wall at him again. In light of the fact that I am always yelling over the wall at him, perhaps the technology is there to enhance his life, not mine.

1 comment:

Yaksman said...

It could be of benefit to the poor soul one cube over who is stuck listening to your yelling while they're trying to work?

Or it could be treated as a virtual wall yell for someone outside of convenient yelling range.